Fortifying Europe’s Forests: A Legislative Drive for Resilience and Sustainability

Forest monitoring legislation aims to address critical information gaps regarding Europe’s forests, driven by the urgent need to bolster forest resilience in the face of escalating threats like climate change, pollution, and pests. With record-breaking fires devastating vast swathes of land and projections indicating a substantial decline in forest value, there’s an imperative to reverse this trend.

The proposed legislation, put forth by the European Commission, seeks to establish a robust monitoring framework leveraging both earth observation technology and field measurements. By harmonizing data collection methods and facilitating data sharing through platforms like the Forest Information System for Europe, this initiative aims to equip EU member states, forest managers, and owners with comprehensive and comparable forest data. This collective knowledge base will not only enhance our understanding of forests’ health and dynamics but also support strategic interventions to bolster resilience and mitigate threats.

The cooperation as central asset

Central to this legislative proposal is fostering cooperation among member states to develop long-term forest plans that encompass the multifunctional nature of forests. Such plans must align with broader EU strategies like the Forestry Strategy 2030 and the European Green Deal, recognizing forests’ pivotal role in biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, and sustainable resource provision.

Moreover, the legislation underscores the imperative of integrating forest conservation efforts with broader sustainability objectives outlined in various EU directives. By promoting sustainable forest management practices and incentivizing forest expansion, afforestation, and diversification, the aim is to nurture a resilient and circular bio-economy. This entails not only safeguarding existing forests but also actively restoring and expanding forest cover to enhance ecosystem services and mitigate climate change impacts.

Why forests are important?

The estimated annual economic value of forest-related services in the EU includes €16 billion for timber provision, €32.8 billion for carbon sink, and €57 billion for regulatory and cultural ecosystem services. Forests are essential ecosystems that provide a multitude of invaluable services crucial for sustaining life on Earth. Firstly, they serve as vital habitats for a diverse array of plant and animal species, playing a pivotal role in maintaining biodiversity. Additionally, forests act as crucial regulators of climate by absorbing carbon dioxide, thereby mitigating climate change, and influencing local and regional weather patterns. As natural carbon sinks, forests play a significant role in sequestering carbon, thus helping to stabilize the global climate.

Moreover, forests contribute to air purification by filtering pollutants and releasing oxygen, thereby improving air quality and human health. They also play a critical role in regulating water cycles, helping to maintain water supply and quality, as well as preventing floods and soil erosion. These ecosystem services provided by forests are indispensable for human well-being and the functioning of ecosystems.

Furthermore, forests are vital for our transition to climate neutrality and sustainable development. They serve as a source of renewable raw materials for the bioeconomy, including wood, food, medicinal plants, cork, and resin, supporting various industries and livelihoods. In the European Union alone, approximately 4.5 million jobs directly and indirectly depend on forests, highlighting their significant economic importance.
Beyond their economic and ecological value, forests also contribute to our overall well-being. They offer essential services such as stress relief, recreational opportunities, and aesthetic enjoyment, providing spaces for relaxation, outdoor activities, and connection with nature.

Why this legislation could be important?

The proposed forest monitoring legislation represents a proactive response to the multifaceted challenges facing Europe’s forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, fostering cross-border cooperation, and promoting sustainable management practices, it aspires to safeguard forests as invaluable assets essential for biodiversity conservation, climate mitigation, and sustainable development.

The importance in the context of ResAlliance project

This legislation holds particular significance within the context of initiatives like the ResAlliance project, which aims to enhance landscape resilience for agriculture and forestry in Mediterranean countries. By addressing critical information gaps and promoting sustainable forest management, the proposed legislation aligns with the objectives of ResAlliance to bolster the adaptive capacity of landscapes facing escalating threats such as climate change, pollution, and pests. Through its emphasis on data harmonization, sharing, and strategic intervention, the legislation not only enhances our understanding of forest dynamics but also supports coordinated efforts to improve resilience across diverse ecosystems. By integrating these legislative efforts with broader regional initiatives like ResAlliance, stakeholders can work collaboratively to foster resilient landscapes capable of sustaining agricultural and forestry practices in the Mediterranean region despite increasing environmental pressures.



