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  • Heatwaves strikes back

    Heatwaves strikes back

    Have you recently felt dizzy walking back home with your grocery bags under the blazing August sun? How many of you are struggling to sleep this summer, with noisy fans […]

  • Nature Restoration Law: A contested groundbreaking tool toward resilient landscape

    Nature Restoration Law: A contested groundbreaking tool toward resilient landscape

    In a groundbreaking achievement aimed at combating biodiversity loss and promoting environmental sustainability, the European Parliament adopted the final version of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) on February 27, 2024, […]

  • Beyond the emergency: the lesson of ResAlliance

    Beyond the emergency: the lesson of ResAlliance

    Here we report an opinion article written by Dr. Gavriil Xanthopoulos (Research Director at the Greek Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems) in the newspaper (To VIMA – Sunday edition), focusing on the […]

  • Agroforestry: A Key Solution for Climate Change

    Agroforestry: A Key Solution for Climate Change

    A recent scientific review published in Nature Climate Change highlights how agroforestry could easily become the first  natural climate solution in Europe and worldwide. Agroforestry, defined as the deliberate incorporation […]

  • Sharing Good Practices: the Catalonia resilient workshop experience

    Sharing Good Practices: the Catalonia resilient workshop experience

    Climate change and mediterranean landscape Faced with the growing effects of climate change, our landscapes and environments are increasingly vulnerable. For this reason, building resilient landscapes is key to safeguarding […]

  • What is happening to Europe’s climate?

    What is happening to Europe’s climate?

    The latest report, “European State of the Climate 2023,” compiled by the Copernicus ECMWF, Climate Change Service (C3S) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), provides compelling evidence of the warming […]

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